​Innovation Licence Shortlisted in NLA Housing Awards

Vision Event, London 2-3 June 2015 – Amphibious And Flood-Resilient Homes Workshop

The Innovation Licence, Baca’s forward-thinking proposal to help solve London’s housing crisis, has been shortlisted in the NLA Housing Awards . The proposal was practice’s second shortlisted submission for 2015, alongside the Buoyant Starts affordable floating homes entry in collaboration with Floating Homes Ltd.


The idea would be an alternative to planning, whereby licences would be granted for innovative buildings and designs to be carried out on challenging sites, such as floodplains. To obtain a licence, building designs would need to meet a number of overarching environmental and design aspirations but would not be required to comply with current planning policy.


The Innovation Licence aims to be an incentive for public and private companies to innovate and compete to find ways to deliver more housing, more quickly, and with higher densities. These pilots would become future exemplars, helping to stimulate housing growth in London and maybe export UK innovation to the rest of the world.


To find out more about the competition and its entries, please follow this link























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