Flood Proof Tower

With their expertise in flood mitigation Baca Architects have developed proposals for a new gateway tower building on a strategic development site near Wembley that currently suffers from flood risk issues.


The under used site is directly opposite a mainline railway and underground station with a tributary of the Brent river running through the middle of the site. Currently there is no public access and proposals will look to provide strategic new public routes across the site and open up the landscape around the river for public enjoyment and create more sustainable natural habitats for local wildlife.


To develop a scheme that puts both the development and the river flood plain on an equal weighting Baca Architects have employed innovative flood mitigation techniques to the landscape and suggested low-risk ground floor uses while protecting the most vulnerable residential uses above.


Proposals explore a mixed-use scheme with car parking, commercial, public spaces and 60 residential units. Options explore several different ways to open up the site to create a unique conversation between the new towers and the river landscape below.







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Baca Architects