Floating Villas - Norfolk Luxury Wellness Resort
The Baca Team have been busy recently! Stretched between the continents of North America and Oceania last week, we now return [much!] closer to home this week and find ourselves back in Norfolk.
To catch-up with the Norfolk Luxury Wellness Resort series, this week we’ll be having a double-bill!
First up this week, we have the Floating Villas!
Hosting two storeys, the first floor level is dedicated entirely to a luxurious living space, for a family of up to 6, to function comfortably with the back-drop of an elevated view out across the Ashwicken Lake that is suitable for any family occasion!
A mix of single and double sized bedrooms occupy the lower level and benefit from a more intimate connection with the lake water-level - but rest-assured, these are ‘Floating’ Villas, so you needn’t worry about any unexpected baths!
Follow @bacaarchitects to see which typology we have to share with you from Ashwicken Lake next.
Find out more about our Luxury Wellness Resort at: